Scoliosis Specialist

North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine

Orthopaedic Surgery located in Plano, TX & Dallas, TX

Scoliosis is a spine curvature that usually appears in childhood or teen years. While it can be upsetting to learn that you or your child is dealing with this condition, there’s positive news: Scoliosis doesn’t have to prevent anyone from enjoying a full and healthy life. The spine care experts at North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine are ready to diagnose and treat scoliosis using the most advanced technology available today. Call the office nearest you today or book an appointment online. North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine is proud to serve patients in Plano, Fort Worth, Duncanville, Allen, and the Dallas communities of South Hampton.

Scoliosis Q & A

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an "S" or "C"-shaped curve in the spine. The vast majority of scoliosis cases are diagnosed in children 10 and up. Scoliosis can be very different for each sufferer depending on exactly how curved the spine is.

In the most severe cases, scoliosis can cause a very prominent spine hump and disabling symptoms like lung problems and inability to walk normally. But, in other cases, symptoms are extremely mild and don't interfere in quality-of-life at all.

Why does scoliosis occur?

In over 80-85% of all scoliosis cases, the cause is idiopathic, which means the cause is unknown. Congenital scoliosis begins before birth, and a diagnosis usually given in early childhood.

The other type of scoliosis, neuromuscular scoliosis, is caused by another condition that damages muscles and nerves. Some common causes of neuromuscular scoliosis include muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.

You can't "give yourself" scoliosis by wearing a heavy backpack, slouching, or sleeping in a curled-up position.

How is scoliosis treated?

Treatment approach depends on the degree of spine curvature and how scoliosis is affecting you or your child’s life. Patients with a very mild curvature may simply need to monitor their condition regularly with their orthopaedic expert at North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine.

If you or your child’s scoliosis is causing physical problems or negatively affecting the quality of life, your doctor may suggest bracing. Bracing is often the first line of treatment for children with spinal curves in the 25-45 degree range. The brace doesn't correct the shape of the spine, but it does prevent the damage from growing worse.

Some patients need surgery for scoliosis. Typically, surgery is only recommended for patients with spinal curvature over 50 degrees. Surgery is usually limited to adolescents and adults with fully developed spines. During surgery, your North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine doctor can realign the curve through spinal fusion using metal implants and rods made from stainless steel or titanium.

With the metal implants and rods in place, the spine will gradually straighten naturally. Patients keep the implants and rods for the rest of their life in most cases. The rods typically cause no problems at all because they become part of the spine over time.

Call North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine or book an appointment online to get the education, support, and expert advice on scoliosis.