Hip Pain Specialist

North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine

Orthopaedic Surgery located in Plano, TX & Dallas, TX

Hip pain is a major problem for many men and women today, especially older adults. Whether it’s osteoarthritis, joint damage, a fracture, or something else, hip pain isn’t easy to cope with. Fortunately, there’s a team of experts in Plano, Fort Worth, Duncanville, Allen, and the Dallas communities of South Hampton, ready to help you overcome the pain and restore your function. For hip pain relief, call the North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine team or book an appointment online.

Hip Pain Q & A

What causes hip pain?

There are many possible causes of hip pain, with some of the most common including:

  • Arthritis
  • Fractures
  • Dislocation
  • Labral tear (cartilage tear)
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis

Sometimes, spine problems are easy to confuse with hip problems. For example, if you suffer from lumbar radiculopathy (sciatica), you may experience pain close to your hips. But, the sciatic nerve actually runs from your lower back down your leg, so it's a separate problem.

When should I get treatment for hip pain?

There are a few symptoms that could indicate that it's time to get help for hip pain.

  • You avoid walking because of hip discomfort or pain
  • Pain so severe that you sometimes limp
  • One of your legs feels shorter than the other
  • Restricted range-of-motion
  • Cracking or popping noise when you move your hip
  • Your hip feels okay after rest but hurts quickly once you start moving it

Of course, these aren’t the only reasons to get treatment for hip pain. The bottom line is that hip pain that doesn’t go away quickly (and stay gone) may be a problem that you should seek help for.

How is hip pain diagnosed?

Your North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine doctor typically starts by doing a physical exam and discussing your hip pain symptoms and medical history with you. The doctor may ask you to do a few simple exercises to demonstrate any range-of-motion problems that you're dealing with.

You may need an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan for your doctor to make a diagnosis. X-rays show issues with your bones, such as fractures or arthritis damage, while MRI and CT scans reveal soft tissue damage like cartilage or tendon damage.

What is the treatment for hip pain?

Hip pain treatment is based on your condition, your symptoms, and your recovery goals. Some of the possible treatment options include:

  • Oral medication to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Injections - steroid injections alleviate pain and inflammation and improve movement
  • Physical therapy - builds strength in the muscles that support your hips

If non-surgical treatments don’t work for you, your North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine doctor may recommend a procedure like partial or full hip joint replacement to correct the underlying cause of your hip pain.

For hip pain relief from a compassionate team, call North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine or book an appointment online.